about me

Mieke Jonker (1963) was born in Vaassen, lives in Gennep NL and began her creative career as a goldsmith.
(Vakschool Schoonhoven 1999-2003).

After studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Arendonk, direction portrait/model(2013), Specialisation degree (2016) passed with honourable mention, she focuses exclusively on painting.

Miekes paintings are composed of several transparent oil paint layers. With strong composition and complementary use of colour, and by going thick and thin in paint, she tries to achieve a serene yet dynamic atmosphere.

The paintings often have a way out. You have to be able to pass through them, so to speak. Working spatially is very important to her. The viewer is as it were sucked into her work.

Working in series increases the expressiveness of the subject. It creates a visual story. By working on one subject for a long time, Mieke also deepens her painting technique. She looks for possibilities to depict the same subject differently. This allows her to spot her own development more quickly.

The biggest compliment for her is when the viewer gets the feeling he or she can walk straight into the painting, wants to sit down at the table, or just wants to be there.
That is also what she wants to give the viewer: An escape from everyday life and to dream away for a while.

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Mieke Jonker (1963) is geboren in Vaassen, woont in Gennep en begon haar creatieve carriere als goudsmid.

(Vakschool Schoonhoven 1999-2003).

Na haar studie aan de  Academie voor de Schone Kunsten te Arendonk, richting portret/model(2013),Specialisatie graad (2016) geslaagd met eervolle vermelding, richt ze zich uitsluitend op de schilderkunst.

Miekes schilderijen zijn opgebouwd uit diverse transparante olieverflagen. Met een sterke compositie en een complementair kleurgebruik, en door dik en dun in de verf te gaan, probeert ze een serene doch dynamische sfeer te bereiken.

De schilderijen hebben vaak een uitweg. Je moet er als het ware doorheen kunnen gaan. Ruimtelijk werken is heel belangrijk voor haar. De kijker wordt als het ware haar werk in gezogen.

Het werken in series vergroot de zeggingskracht van het onderwerp. Er ontstaat zo een beeldverhaal. Door lang te werken aan één onderwerp verdiept Mieke zich ook schildertechnisch. Ze zoekt mogelijkheden om eenzelfde onderwerp anders neer te zetten. Hierdoor kan ze haar eigen ontwikkeling sneller signaleren.

Het grootste compliment voor haar is wanneer de toeschouwer het gevoel krijgt dat hij of zij zo het schilderij kan inlopen, aan tafel wil gaan zitten, of er gewoon wil zijn.

Dat is ook wat ze de toeschouwer wil meegeven: Een vlucht uit het leven van alledag en even wegdromen.

After her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Arendonk, direction portrait/model(2013),Specialization degree (2016) passed with honorable mention, she focuses exclusively on painting.

Miekes paintings are composed of several transparent oil paint layers. With strong composition and complementary use of color, and by going thick and thin in the paint, she tries to achieve a serene yet dynamic atmosphere.

The paintings often have a way out. You have to be able to pass through them, so to speak. Working spatially is very important to her. The viewer is as it were sucked into her work.

Working in series increases the expressiveness of the subject. It creates a visual story. By working on one subject for a long time, Mieke deepens her painting technique. She looks for possibilities to depict the same subject differently. This allows her to identify her own development more quickly.

The biggest compliment for her is when the viewer gets the feeling that he or she can walk right into the painting, wants to sit at the table, or just wants to be there.

That is also what she wants to give the viewer: An escape from everyday life and to dream away for a moment.